Wednesday, 27 May 2015


    Technical Publication is the process for providing operations and maintenance data in the form of Technical writings and Technical illustrations to the customers/users of the component

Technical Publication in Aerospace Industry:
ü  To sell and support the  products in these promising new markets
ü  Manufacturers must provide training and reference materials with the quality, clarity, and consistency to enable technicians around the world to understand and maintain highly sophisticated and complex aerospace components and systems.
ü  To compete effectively, manufacturers must  deliver those materials rapidly and cost-effectively.

Aerospace Technical Publications deals with the development and maintenance of technical data for the Aircraft and its components. The Aircraft manufacturers produce comprehensive technical documentation on the operation, maintenance, support and retrofit of its Aircraft. This documentation is provided to the Aircraft operators in the form of manuals. These manuals communicate information in order to have a specific message or task understood and accomplished as intended. The text/information must be clear, concise and consistent throughout the manual. Aircraft operators and owners perform the maintenance on their Aircraft using these manuals. The maintenance of the Aircraft is done by Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Engineers. As Aircraft age, these publications become more critical as the repairs become more intense and frequent. The creation and updates of Technical Publications involve three major tasks: Authoring, Illustrating, and Publishing.

Authoring involves gathering of technical information from approved/authentic technical documents, and transferring these technical contents in the authoring environment. This creates clear and concise technical documents which are universally understood across the Aerospace Industries and Aircraft Operators.
Illustrations are used as the primary means to convey the information. These illustrations are used in conjunction with the above authored tasks. An illustration is an artwork that helps in a better understanding of the authored task. The illustrations must be kept simple and presented in a self-explanatory style. An Illustration is generally not focused on Form, Fit and Function of the component/unit.
Publishing is a process of converting the above authored and illustrated task to various formats as desired by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and/or end users. The various forms are electronic format (CD, DVDs), or hard copies on paper, or through the websites (Internet).